Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Hello My Friend We Meet Again

Hello My Friend We Meet Again

and hello indeed. that's the first line of a Creed song i seem to have trouble evicting from my head nowadays, its called 'my sacrifice'. anyway, wow, as of today, it has been a grand total of...lemme see...a week and a day of not blogging! haha, let's just call this syndrome Blogger's Inertia. there are a few types. i suffer from the very insiduous variant when you have a great reduction in your boh-liao time (SYF...!) and you have limitted (or almost zero) internet access. (like in my hostel)

so...what has happened since?? last wednesday, the VJ choir emerged SYF champions!!! whoohoo!!! haha...for those of you all reading from back home or elsewhere coz you're just to free, SYF is singapore youth festival, which is a bi-annual arts competition of the various arts forms between primary schools(i think), secondary schools, and junior colleges. whoohoo!!! we came it tops!! this was supposed to be strictly confidential, but according to some inside sources, we were the only choir who got more than 90% in marks. way to go choiR!!!!! all that training paid off! all those mornings coming at seven a.m. for an hour of singing, and all that mercilless grilling from the conductors and sectional's great to be at the top guys.

i wish everyone i know has the chance to feel what it's like to be the best. it doesn't really matter in what you do. be it in studies, in little class tests, on the soccer field, on the inter-house debates team, on the unstable kayaks, on the softball pitch, or blowing away on the harmonica. there's a rush that you cannot get anytime else. that feeling that you're really appreciated, and you're actually freaking good at what you do. my friends, i wish for a moment of triumph for all of you.



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