Sunday, May 17, 2009

Some Pictures From A Different Life

gah! another long weekend at seremban. didn't wanna go back. had a drinking party. puked. stupid rufah. soooooooo petty about the 4 Kings rules. kept on sinking shots into my cup when i got drunk and started running my mouth in violation of those rules. gah. so puked la. but anyway. productive weekend. (so me thinks.)

here are some pics from our seremban life:

ms Kow there suddenly found a very interesting pebble

me and mrs Ash singing lady gaga for howai's birthday

yilin's birthday dinner. celebrated at serembans premier eatery! (snicker, snicker)

dancing!!! ohno! haha...

my housemates! L-R: me, lipjeen, feibing and the boss, howai! =)