Too Days Left
Too Days Left
whoo! i finally have some time to myself to blog! tania's got a lotta work, but she wants to do it on her own just to get the hang of the workload when i'm gone. well, i volunteered to help...? i've got two more working days to go! i'm typing this in the morning, so okay, maybe two and a half, days if you're counting today. i'll miss everyone, but whoo!! think of the free time again! one last breath of freedom before the noose slowly tightens around my neck, and the trapdoor gives way under my feet.
nevermind. ok! germany is out! yesss....! there were words in the wind that if germany won the world cup, my company (and my company's german) will declare a half day of leave, or even a full day of leave. haha, kinda reminds you of vj isn't it? well, just don't go to carrefour when the french win. or give it a shot, in fact. they may give crazy discounts. haha, viva la france! the land of escargot and the french kiss.
what a mess my life is. i have to move in with my dad pretty soon, and my brother is now hesitating about this. i don't know lar, both of my parents are damn irritating when it comes to bargaining. they offer this, offer that, then throw in this condition, change the agreement terms... all sorts.
last sunday i went over to my dad's house in usj5 (yes, i know, i'm slow) to paint a room...we were painting a study room light green, y'know, those really really pale kinda green? (lipjeen would like that...) it took us quite a while, actually. well, not really a while, a long while. so much so my grandfather chided us for our speedy workmanship. "woah, the whole day then finish paint one room arh? that means three rooms then three weeks to paint larh" haha, c'mon, we're not that slow, we repaired the toilet valves, planned out future works on the house and of course, take breaks every now and then. haha. in actual fact, we were going to paint another room too, but that doofus forgot to get the electricians to dismantle that clattering abandoned aircon, so we couldn't get to paint the whole room. and we decided, hell, if we can't paint everything then we wouldn't start till that piece of junk is un-bolted from the wall.
but seriously lah, his house needs a lot, a lot of work. paint, furniture, and his rubbish is just everywhere!
oh yeah, you know the frustrating thing is when i went back home yesterday, and i received a letter, not from my buddy shiyuan, but from..MYSELF!!! arh! i just imagine deborah go: "aiyoh, hehe, dottzzzz....! hehe..." last week i typed out the letter nice nice, 'cause my handwriting may defeat the whole purpose of communicating, and then i passed it to my mum who got her tea lady to run the letter to the post office and post it for me la. but there wasn't enought postage!
so i hope, i hope, that it'll reach lopilup by this coming saturday. again my friend, many thousand apologies.
hotlink is giving me a nightmare. i can't top up! i dont' know why! i'm supposed to call a 1300 number, to enquire about this proble, but how!!!??? they wouldn't let me! i have no credit left, that's why i have to top up, and i can't but they want me to call them!
can't wait for coldplay!!! =)