Monday, May 22, 2006

Eye-yoyo, Very Itch-i-fied...

Eye-yoyo, Very Itch-i-fied...

aaaah, my eyesssss...

i don't know what's happening to me nowadays, but my eyes constantly get irritated. maybe it's the polouted air in town, maybe it's the late nights or the computer in front of me at work all the time. by the looks of it, i may not be able to donate my eyes at all.

oh, by the way, i didn't mention that here did i? me and my mum, we both pledged to donate our organs upon our death. we can donate our eyes, kidney, liver, heart, skin, bone marrow, and goodness knows what else la. based on past statistics, only 5% of the people who pledged to donate their organs will eventually donate them upon their death. haha, if i'm one of those people in the 5%, i guess my pallbearers will have an easier job. haha.
go to for more info.

i just bought two new games! whoo! okay, yesss....finally i have something to do when i get back. i'll be guiding lara croft to look around the temples in bolivia, and i'll be using jack carver in far cry: instinct to rip people to shreds. quite exciting. shall tell you guys more perhaps.

anyway, i have nothing to type for now, so i'll say tah-tah for now. bye!


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