Friday, October 28, 2005

Let's Talk

Let's Talk

while a lot of people i know like to use song lyrics to fill up their blog, i prefer the titles. take 'whatever tomorrow brings, i'll be there'. okay, that's not the title, it's from 'drive' by incubus. go listen to it, by the way. okay okay maybe titles and phrases. hah. so where was i? yeah, let's talk. that's from coldplay's x&y album.

the good news: my grandmother, bless her, will be going for radiotherapy. it's non-invasive and does not require too much toxins, so that means she'll be able to take it. great. that kinda deepens my interest to pursue biophysics. or medicine. whichever lah. i'm kinda worried about the radiotherapy though, you know ionising radiation may cause breakages in the genes that code for the prodoction of the regulatory gene (for example the p53 gene) or cause proto-onco genes to mutate to be oncogenes and the risk of developing cancers.....

haha. now, if only mrs teo could come and read my blog. someone pass her the url please.

this afternoon was chatting with kyrin. she was trying to send over a song to me, it was called 'maybe tomorrow' by the stereophonics, i think. the conversation went:

mh: hey, go download 'positivity' by suede
ky: ugh, i hate suede
mh: y?
ky: they're so ugly, and their music sucks.

--(and here i am adoring them, LOLz)

mh: erm, try 'the hardest part' by coldplay
ky: i hate coldplay

goodness man, what's wrong with me man? what yeekiat said the other day rubbed off on me. we're not giving today's bands any chance. take the bands we hold in high esteem:

RHCP: 80s-90s
nirvana: 80s-90s
guns&roses: 80s
suede: 90s

haha, good observation kiat. anyway, the funny thing is after a while kyrin gave up trying to send me 'maybe tomorrow' because my transfer rate was too darn slow. (i was sitting on the steps using a wireless connection) so she said, 'erh, maybe another time k?'

darn, if she said 'maybe tomorrow' it would be much funnier. but anyway.

gah, what a rubbish post. well, "every little drop counts" said the old woman as she pissed into the sea.

i cut myself on the lower lip with my razor today. guys, a word of advice: take your time shaving, and for goodness-sake, please be careful!

i bled for like half and hour non stop la. bloody nonsense.


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