Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Guy Fawke's Day

Guy Fawke's Day

ah, yup, that day is coming again. if you all don't really know about it, it's the day Brits celebrate the hanging of this bloke Guy Fawkes who tried to blow up the parliament building. there'll be a fireworks display and all lah. oh yeah, it also happens to fall on the 5th of November. haha, gah.

okay okay, just in case you are wondering what's on my list, look here.

okay, enough of that.

how's me? gee, i don't know. watcha doing now? me? i'm making use of the suddenly-working hostel net connection to type all these out. aah, i see. so, what's new? for starters, school's over, (good riddance) and we're all mugging but having burnt myself out over the prelims, the revision's not really going on at a blistering pace. scared of the A's? kinda, but more worried about the future lah. why? why? just because. it's full of uncertainty. have to look to the greater powers and trust my fate in His hands.

oops...gotta go for now!!!


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