Friday, June 17, 2005

There Are Cups and Glasses, But I Chose...

There Are Cups and Glasses, But I Chose...

to mug. bleahz.... the 'holidays' that i have is beginning to sicken me. i'm mugging, or rather always trying to, but to no real avail nowadays. like now! i'm supposed to go and do my biology past year papers that i purchased with my last cents in my wallet (at that time at least). but instead, here i am blogging. sheesssshhhh.....

anyway, i'm back in singapore already. i got back on sunday, and i've been tormented by this flu of mine. maybe it's because there's this sudden change in my environments, like cool and airconditioned bedrooms (at home) to stuffy and warm bedrooms (victoria hall la, where else?). and i find out that blowing my snot out is actually a pretty futile thing to do. after a while my nose fills up again. best it's a temporary comfort. but then, if you use that logic, eating and showering will get you nowhere too,'coz after that you're bound to get hungry and dirty again. so that's that, and enough of this useless ramble.

okay okay!! my driving experience!! i got back here on sunday and the wonders of malaysian transport authority allowed me my driving license and saturday and i managed to squeeze in a grand total of THREE TRIPS with be behind the steering wheel. hahaha... it was fun! it was fun being released on the roads with the four wheels under my control, it was fun as i felt like i had a breath independance and mobility, and of course, it was fun making my mum get stressed out by not really keeping a safe distance from the cars ahead of me. hahaha! "BRAKE, SON BRAKE...!!! LOOK AT THE CAR AHEAD OF YOU!! HE'S SLOWING DOWN ALREADY!!!"

alright, i really have to get back and study now. yeanching, thanks for linking me, and yeekiat, thanks for your laptop, although your spacebar is BLOODY HARD TO PRESS!!!



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