Wednesday, February 06, 2008


say hello to the new year guys! well, the cheena guys only larh.

oh gosh. exams are coming. die die die die. DIEEEEEE....

i just can't keep focused.

i hereby vow to not:
turn on the computer
strum my guitars
down any beers
play video games (or hearts)
write anything on blogger
or facebook
watch more that an hour of TV daily
sleep in past 12
write songs
think up stupid poetry
think of ways to tidy up my bare, spartan room
run more that 2.0km at any given time, lest i get too bushed to study
eat out at expensive restaurants

until my exams are over.

it sounds like i can't make it already.

anyway, i've deviced a new way to study! i use my calculator to churn up random numbers between 0-47, and then i will play the CD that is at that slot in my CD pouch. i'm gonna try to finish all 48 of them before exams come. ambitious eh??

gosh, i haven't listened to some in a long time. like can you believe it? there's limp bizkit even! (two of their CDs actually)

so long and fare you all well. see you all again after next week. or sooner, if i tak tahan already. haha. so much for self-discipline.

PS: to sweeleen. haha, yeah. we all know what is going on. even if we seem not to care, or not to discuss it, we are not inert. we listen, and think. personally, i find it just so blearghz to talk about. i mean, politics is like a real wet blanket you know. dripping with ice cold water. you can never feel good about your this country if you give it serious thought.

to shiyuan. oi! yea yea, i know! i see pictures of myself and cringe la. i'm gonna rectify that soon enough. haha. do the 14YOs offer themselves on the great altar of shiyuan for him to dance his diploma-level fingers across them? haha. tell me, man, i dunno what they're thinking. sometimes i think i never will know. haha.

to everyone. happy chinese new year! gong xi ni. and other chinese gibberish lar.


At 21:39 , Blogger The Brick Layer said...

eh forget shiyuan la. the fella will grow old fast. sia la 100 pushups. do it my way and u'll be trim n fit like me. between meals u must constantly snack. sleeping 10hrs is a minimum, though more is recommended. TV viewing, although extremely healthy and beneficial, is not allowed without a couch and a big pile of snacks. walking is the biggest physical activity u must accomplish, and that only for getting more snacks, getting to the bed, or getting to the toilet. then once every 3 days, go fight fires.


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