Tuesday, October 09, 2007


there's this very masochistic quote that jimmy printed out once on an infinity milers' flyer. me, lipjeen and jankee had a good laugh about it. it went something like:

somewhere in the world, somebody else is training when you are not. and when you race him, you will lose.

tell me you're not laughing your spleen out.

anyway, today, i ran four rounds around the bukit jalil park pond. parts of the pond smell differently. one portion is a-smell (no smell), one portion is normo-smellic (common pond smell), another portion is necro-smellic (something dead), some part is chloro-smellic (smell of algae) and if i'm not wrong there's a small part that's fish-o-smellic (oh, come on. use your brain.)

i also did about ten pullups! (sadly, not all at once...) and about 50 sit-ups. whoohoo. that can only mean one thing. that is tomorrow i will ache from head to toe. well, i didn't do a head workout or a toe exercise, but you get my drift.

i won't lie to you. i kinda like that lactic-acid muscle ache feeling. somehow it enhances the perception of self. it's like suddenly you're very aware of what you are doing, and every movement is intentional and controlled. well, mostly 'coz you're aching so much. but i can't help but feeling alive somewhat.

anyway. i once wrote here that everyday, i should do at least four things. eat a fruit (check! fruit: apple), study a little (check! before PBL today), exercise (check!) and do some music stuff...

i'm only left with one, lacking which i feel my day will be a little incomplete.

looks like it's time to bug the neighbours again.



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