Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Love and Other Things

here i am. typing a post... why do i feel so empty?

i'm sick. sore throat. cough. flu. the whole shebang. it sucks big time. spent the whole day at home doing nothing streneous. i did do about 5 pull-ups though, and that was my limit. pathetic.

anyway, here's some random musing coming your way...

i wish i could write a song. a simple one, with poignant and meaningful lyrics. but it's just so hard. everytime i come up with something, the melody just bores me to death. it's so horrible i would just die, and that's before i get to talking about the silly things i write. i mean, what is it with rhyming??? gahh!!! i wish i could write like coldplay. well, in their first album. 'trouble' was special. they hardly ever needed to rhyme to make it sound cool. you get in the zone with that song, and you'll understand me.

i wish i could spend some time with lipjeen. i was hoping so hard that i would be well enough to go out with her. just to chill. but she's going to see a movie with her sister. so it's ok. she told me way beforehand, so there were no fireworks. i'm not afraid to say that i love her. i do. i just don't know why we fight. it's all my ego. damn. damn it to hell. i had an epiphany once (nothing to do with bananas and potassium)... i wondered why we fight with all those who are closest to us. people all around us quarrel with their partners, their parents, and siblings. for those of you who are quicker than i, it's because they still care. the reason why me and lipjeen have bad days, like any other couple, is 'coz i still care and she still cares.

here's a passage about love. i got it from the sandman volume nine. the comic is about seven aspects of the universe personified. Destiny, Death, Dream, Destruction, Despair, Desire, and Delirium (formerly Delight).
anyway, in this issue rose walker talks to Desire, her grandmother. sort of.
Rose says,
"Love... Have you ever been in love?"
"You might say that."
"Horrible, isn't it?"
"In what way?"
"It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens you heart and it means someone can get inside of you and mess you up.
You build up all these defenses. You build up this whole armor, for years, so nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...
You give them a piece of you. They don't wask for it. They do something dumb one day like kiss you, or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore."

it's true, isn't it? =) writing at it's best. for the whole passage, go read the comic.

okay. going off to sleep now. maybe i'll just give that guitar a little good night twanging.


At 04:45 , Blogger wan ming wai said...

new engine - smooth n steady

old engine - rough, lots of friction, heat up easily


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