Tuesday, September 19, 2006

In-Grown Hairs are a Pain

In-Grown Hairs are a Pain

yes they are. after all that shaving here and there, i've got numerous infected hair folicles (unclean razors be damned) as well as ingrown hairs to pull out. gahz. thankfully i'm not indian (or hairy. oh what's the difference anyway?) i'm into my fourth week at IMU already. i'm beginning to feel quite at home already in this environment. it's not really a university. it's more of a place we to go attend lectures and then socialise afterwards. haha...

you all remember devaki? she's in the same intake as i am. hahaha...already she's carved a niche out among our peers as the only medical student in our batch with eating disorders. (BMI:14)

we're having our bi-annual (erm, does this mean every six months? coz that's what i'm trying to say) IMU Cup, pitching intake against each other. i signed up for the road relay run, which is a 2.2 km run, not really thinking that i would make it into the team, and i didn't, but i dragged lippie into it too. poor thing. tomorrow, she has intensive training scheduled. hahaha...i'm running with them anyway. (yes i know, i'm a little crazy) but it's shiok la. haha.

oh, by the way, i got my car baaaaack!!! yess.... they resprayed it and took off the word 'sephia' from the back of the car to respray it. it's now sitting on the rear dashboard. i was tempted to spell out things like 'his ape' or 'phase 1' (using the 'i' as the '1')... but you all got any suggestions?

another piece of news: i'm trying on contact lenses. i'm sick and tired of glasses. getting foggy drinking hot soup, getting oily at the slightest mis-touch, getting dirty and attracting little particles of dirt for no apparent reason, and there's that irritating sliding-down-your-nosebridge habit of his. so yeah. i think i'm a little retarded in the left eye. i can't seem to put it on propperly. i have no problems with the right. go figure.

anyway, time for sleep already my friends!!! or rather splinter cell chaos theory. hahaha....luv you all lots!!

and CHEE HAU!!! what did you do with the imcc blog address!!!! aaaaaaaahhhh!!!


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