Sunday, April 10, 2005

dum dee dum...!!

ohyeah!!! check this out! i finally, finally, FINALLY got this thing set up... bleahz....what an arduous task. the first step was seeking the skin out, because i'm a little lazy at this kind of thing, and then, with the help of my roommate armando (he's taking Computing for 'A' Levels). but even then, he was pretty bummed out as he had a full day of softball training, the presidents bazaar thingy ( i wonder what the blazing hell is that ) and so i had to do it myself. to the untrained eye, all that html rubbish is really, well, rubbish.

but, i guess, a little tweaking here and there, and a little modifications...and *poof* here it is! anyway, it's already 1am plus, i have to sing at church tomorrow, which i seriously doubt i'll be able to pull off well, given that i'm coming down with the mother of all sorethroats. okay okay, the point is, i've got neither the energy nor the luxury to type a lot of stuff for you all today, so sayonara, till the next post arrives.

don't bug the postman.


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